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I've worked as a professional photographer for over 17 years.  I love the challenge of being a creative person and pushing the boundaries of my technical knowledge.


I spent about 13 years working in education - shooting a range of images for various publications including school prospectuses and websites. I also worked directly in classrooms educating both students and teachers on the technical setups needed for using photography and media equipment - from shooting through to editing.

I started Rogue Ginger Photography in February 2019 and have not looked back since. I love working across a range of projects, and I believe to limit myself to one genre would diminish the love I have for photography and the creative freedom it gives me.


I also partnered up with another photographer in the spring of 2022 and started Children at Play Photography. This partnership specifically shoots preschools and nurseries in a candid portrait style.

I'm a creative person through and through, including a love of design, architecture, tattoo art, Americana and music.

Contact Rogue Ginger Photography now

Andy Ruck - Rogue Ginger Photography

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